Students contributing to the development of STEP Learning Resources
NMC Standards
STEP Themes
How these STEP themes link together:
Placement experience commences with preparation for practice (‘Academic-Practice Partnerships’ alongside ‘Socialisation and Comprehensive Orientation’), relies on a team based approach (‘Helpful Others’ and ‘Peer Support’) and continues through to extending and deepening learning to promote professional development and enhance practice (‘Expansive Learning’). Together, the five learning themes support a practical model of practice learning that is adaptable to different learning contexts.
Additional STEP projects
Career Conversations: MyCA, as a knowledge building community seeking to support the workforce within its partnership and STEP (Strengthening Team-based Education in Practice), seeking to develop approaches and resources to enhance learning in practice, have come together to focus on the employability and career questions of our student group to enhance the student experience and preparation for roles.
Placement opportunities:
To support learners development, placement opportunities need to better prepare the nursing teams of the future. As well as the traditional hospital settings, we utilise a range of placements beyond NHS teams. These include collaboration with our community partners in primary care: general practice, care homes with nursing care, hospices, and our locality prison.
Link to article published by STEP members —
Morley, D., Wilson, K and McDermott, J., 2017. Changing the practice learning landscape. Nurse Education in Practice 27, 169-171.